Monday, October 4, 2010

Throw your hands in the air

Today I came back from Bible Study to find a wonderful surprise. It was a simple 'Thank You' note that had been slid under my door while I was gone by one of my residents Lauren, who I had lent some quarters out to earlier in the week so she could do her laundry. I didn't really think much of it but getting a thank you note and her encouraging words really means so much more than she knows. I really love being able to have a job that while simple lets me learn about myself and others significantly more than I would be if I lived on campus in the suite where I could be instead.

Today and yesterday have been funny because I want to listen to music but only if it is in French or in Spanish. Listening to songs sung in English that I fully understand seems overrated right now. I'm not sure what this says about me but it's still kind of unreal that I will be visiting a Spanish and French speaking country in the next year. I am luckier than I realize.

I will be heading over to Oak Island for Fall Break this year. I'm staying with Lori Akers but I am going alone and she will be working a great deal of the time so I really will be on my own. I'm not sure what to expect but I am hoping being around the waves will bring me the clarity that is always has in the past. I am very excited about connecting with God this week by devoting my time there to reading His word and reflecting on my life. I watched the LDS General Conference this weekend and am really determined to bring forth and keep the Holy Spirit in my life as much as possible. God is the only thing that I can rely on in this life.

My one concern is that missing Kyle so much the last few days, it will be hard to spend so much time alone. At the same time, I have always embraced time alone and being independent so hopefully it will be as renewing and refreshing as it has the potential to be.

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